6 Mayıs 2008 Salı

Death penalty

There is one subject which has been discussed over years and which never looses its interest on people: DEATH PENALTY.
Death penalty has been abolished over the history in many countries but there are still countries, where it is now carried; such as in some parts of the USA. Death penalty can be discussed from two different sides, which are justice and ethic.
A lot of people believe that someone who kills a person has lost his right of living. This is so not true. Philosophers say that the human dignity is inviolable, no matter, what he/she has done. The dignity of a human is defined as his/her right of living. Although he/she takes the life of another person, which is the biggest crime he/she can do, we are not allowed to decide if he/she should die or live. This is the ethical side of death penalty.
The other side is justice. A person who kills another person should be punished extremely. The murderer does not only kill one person he/she is also responsible for the pain of the victim's family. The victim's family wants that the murderer feels the same pain, which he/she caused by themselves. Therefore they want to take revenge but they are not allowed to decide on the punishment.
I believe that death penalty is neither a cruel act nor a punishment. For me it is just liberation of the murderer because death penalty only takes a few seconds and then the murderer is free. But on the other side if he/she would be prisoned lifelong then he/she would feel a longer pain. In this case the murderer would be punished more hardly because he/she is isolated from his/her family and is not able to do whatever he/she wants. It is an appropriate punishment because the murderer losses the same thing he/she has taken from the victim: his/her LIBERTY.
Soem countries believe that death penalty would be detterant to crime but for me this cannot be true, because someone who decided to kill a person cannot be detterent by anything quite the reverse he/she would see death penalty as liberty because of not being arrested his/her whole life.

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hande kurt dedi ki...

she wrote comparative essay who wrote ethic and justice sides of death penalty. her writing is impressive which effect reader. I could not find any grammar or speling mistake.