17 Mayıs 2008 Cumartesi

Advertising: Manipulation or Information?

Advertising has become a common device for sharing information with others. We can see advertising all around us,; like on television , in newspapers, on cars, at stores, at school et cetera. There is no doubt that it is the best way to get a quick result from, like if you want to sell your car. The only thing you have to do is to put a paper with the information about your car on the car's window. While you are driving in the city, or you are staying in traffic the other people will read the advertising and will call you, if they are interested. It works the same way on television. While people are watching their soap opera they are forced to watch the advertising on television when the brake comes. The advertising on television have a manipulating factor, which is color. On television everything looks shiny and great so that the watching person gets the feeling to buy it. In addition to this, the person who makes the advertising tries to convince the TV watcher that the object, which he/she promotes is a really useful thing that will make the buyer definitely happy. After having bought the object, the buyer gets disappointed because it does not look like what he/she has seen in the advertising. It is not shiny and it has not the special thing, which the promoter talked about.
The manipulation of advertising can be a real problem. We often see women on television, which look great and always have a good form. A lot of teen-age girls try to imitate those women, by making diets. Sometimes they do not stop loosing their kilos and it this leads to bulimia or anorexia, diseases that are threaten heavily.
Therefore, the people who make advertising should be more conscious about the effects it could have and the other people should not believe in everything they see.

Death penalty

There is one subject which has been discussed over years and which never looses its interest on people: DEATH PENALTY.
Death penalty has been abolished over the history in many countries but there are still countries, where it is now carried; such as in some parts of the USA. Death penalty can be discussed from two different sides, which are justice and ethic.
A lot of people believe that someone who kills a person has lost his right of living. This is so not true. Philosophers say that the human dignity is inviolable, no matter, what he/she has done. The dignity of a human is defined as his/her right of living. Although he/she takes the life of another person, which is the biggest crime he/she can do, we are not allowed to decide if he/she should die or live. This is the ethical side of death penalty.
The other side is justice. A person who kills another person should be punished extremely. The murderer does not only kill one person he/she is also responsible for the pain of the victim's family. The victim's family wants that the murderer feels the same pain, which he/she caused by themselves. Therefore they want to take revenge but they are not allowed to decide on the punishment.
I believe that death penalty is neither a cruel act nor a punishment. For me it is just liberation of the murderer because death penalty only takes a few seconds and then the murderer is free. But on the other side if he/she would be prisoned lifelong then he/she would feel a longer pain. In this case the murderer would be punished more hardly because he/she is isolated from his/her family and is not able to do whatever he/she wants. It is an appropriate punishment because the murderer losses the same thing he/she has taken from the victim: his/her LIBERTY.
Soem countries believe that death penalty would be detterant to crime but for me this cannot be true, because someone who decided to kill a person cannot be detterent by anything quite the reverse he/she would see death penalty as liberty because of not being arrested his/her whole life.

Foreign language instruction should begin in kindergarten

Since a few years many education systems and their countries are discussing the question when foreign language instruction should begin. In previous years the teaching of a foreign language started with the first high-school year. Now it is common that children learn a foreign language when they are in the primary school.

Although they are too young for being confronted with a new language, which they never had heard before, statistics show that early age learners become more successful in learning a foreign language than later learners. Doctors say that this has to do with the cognitive abilities of a child. "The younger they are the more they can learn" is a thesis argued by doctors and psychologists.

Therefore i believe that establishing foreign language instruction in kindergarten will be more lucrative for our children. In kindergarten they will learn by playing, which is an important factor of motivation. Motivation, it think, is the biggest problem we have in high-schools. Pupils are not able to learn because they are unmotivated. Every lesson passes in the same way. While the teacher writes something on the board, the pupils have to copy it into their exercise books. There is no action in it. Therefore i believe that the more a child is motivated for learning a new language, the better it will learn it.

I do not argue that they should laen grammar, synthax and other difficult things. They can start learning words by looking at pictures, which will help them to establish a vocabulary. Such a training will effect their speaking in school because then a foreign language will not be totally strange to them. For these reasons i think it is not expecting too much of children.


Today's society can not be imagined without technology. The more Technology develops the more people become dependent on it.
For example computers belong to our daily routine like in schools on our workplaces or at home. There is no suspect that computers are helpful for us by doing worksç But now we are spending a huge time in front of computers without being aware of it. Some people play computer games other ones use their computers only for theır work. More and more we get dependent on chat forums. we spend more hours talking with our friends on the web than meeting them outside. This leads to be less social than before. It destroys people's social life.
On the other side it is unhealthy for our eyes and our back. Also it is tested that computers lead to a lack of concentration.
Another side of which we should be more suspicious is that children walk right into the trap of providers. They go on websites, for which they have to pay money, without asking their parents for help.
These are all the bad sights of computer use. If people would be more conscious in the use of technology they would have more benefits of them without getting into trouble with providers or without lossing their socail life because of being dependent on a machine. It is just a machine, which was made to help people doing their work faster and it should stay just a machine. But it seems like that there happened a change. While the machine became the controler of us we became the machines.Therefore we should not loose our self-control to a machine.

EU membership

I do not agree with the statement that being a member of the european union will help turkey improving its conditions.
In turkey we have a bad economy and our citizens have a less income with which they just can nourish their families. If turkey would become a member of the Eu then this would mean that our currency would change from lira to euro. Such a change would make everything worse than it is now because the prices would climb like it happened in other european countries. The economical aspect is only one side of this problem.
Another side is the cultural one, which does not fit together with the european culture. Turkey seems to them like an arabic country, which means that they believe that we are living not in a democracy because of our religious beliefs and some worse things like honour deaths. Our love to our nation and our leader Atatürk seems like exaggerated patriotism to them and that frightens them.
On the other hand it is true that turkey will get financial support when we become a member of the Eu but on the other side turkey has also to pay money for other countries, which maybe will later enter the union. We can not get away with such a payment because turkey needs all his money for improving itself.
Regarded from a different view there is no reason to enter in a union which soonly said that the PKK is not more seen as a terrorist group. There is no excuse for such a statement and this let me think that if we enter the Eu than then they would make everything to stop us in fighting against PKK. So we would be defenceless against terrorist's attacks.
For these reasons i do not agree with the statement and beyond this i am totally against a membership.

A wonderful woman

She was born on 11th september 1962, in Ordu. Being the only sister of four older boys, made her be daddy's darling. After finishing the elemantary school she went alone to Istanbul to study on the Üsküdar girl's high school. Having finished the high school she got the permission to go to university but she had to leave turkey for living in germany with her family, who were there as foreign workers.
When she was 25 years old, she got married with a turkish man, who was her classmate in the german school. One year later she became mum of a girl and in 1993 she got her second babay, who was a boy. She works in a car factory, where she is working on car controls.
From her character she is a great helpful woman. Although she has less time she can not say no to anybody who needs help from her. She has a self-sacrificing devotion to her family which means that she makes everything for them even if she neglects herself from time to time. Her daily routine is very hard because every housework burdens on her, like: cooking, house shopping, cleaning,washing,ironing et cetera.
She has a special place in my heart because she always supported me in things i've done and in realizing my dreams. She represents a model for me because of her strengths and the way she arranges her work and family without neglecting any member of her family.
This wonderful woman is my mum and i am very proud to be her daughter.

I will talk about a day, which was for me, the most exciting, the most frightening but the most enjoyable day in my life. It is the day when i flew from germany to istanbul without informing anyone of my family.
I have made such a risky thing because i have mised my boyfriend, who lives in istanbul, so much, that i couldn't wait to see him three months later. It was a risky act, because when my parents found this out, they would never send me to istanbul, for studying here. However, my boyfriend and i, we started making plans about how we can arrange this without drawing anyone's attention on it. After having detailed thought about it, i bought a ticket and i waited for the big day.
The day came and i started my day like every other day. I went to school and met a friend of mine. She took me to the airport and then she returned to school. I waited for my flight's hour. While waiting i was really nervous but also excited and happy to see my boyfriend in three hours. I called him and we talked until i got into the plane.
Sitting in the plane i became more and more nervous. I thought about all the bad things that could happen: "What will happen when my parents call me?", "What when they call the school's secretary?", "What if..." and so on. I tried to listen to music, to eat something, to read a book but nothing was helpful. My nervousness did not leave me. When the plane landed i took a deep breath because of being relieved that nothing unexpected happened. I was the first passenger, who passed the passport control, because i had no package with me.
I saw my boyfriend waiting for me with one red rose in his hand. After having seen him i forgot all my nervousness. Then i called my mother, to tell her that i am now by my best friend, because i said to her that i will spend the night there. My mum's voice was very normal, which let me feel again relieved that nobody had become suspicious. I stayed one day in istanbul with my boyfriend. We two were very happy because we haven't seen us for eight months, which was like eight years for us.
This was the most exciting day in my life and i am so happy that nothing went wrong on this specially day.

8 Mayıs 2008 Perşembe

Advertising: Information or Manipulation???

Advertising has become a common device for sharing information with others. We can see advertising all around us,; like on television , in newspapers, on cars, at stores, at school et cetera. There is no doubt that it is the best way to get a quick result from, like if you want to sell your car. The only thing you have to do is to put a paper with the information about your car on the car's window. While you are driving in the city, or you are staying in traffic the other people will read the advertising and will call you, if they are interested. It works the same way on television. While people are watching their soap opera they are forced to watch the advertising on television when the brake comes. The advertising on television have a manipulating factor, which is color. On television everything looks shiny and great so that the watching person gets the feeling to buy it. In addition to this, the person who makes the advertising tries to convince the TV watcher that the object, which he/she promotes is a really useful thing that will make the buyer definitely happy. After having bought the object, the buyer gets disappointed because it does not look like what he/she has seen in the advertising. It is not shiny and it has not the special thing, which the promoter talked about.
The manipulation of advertising can be a real problem. We often see women on television, which look great and always have a good form. A lot of teen-age girls try to imitate those women, by making diets. Sometimes they do not stop loosing their kilos and it this leads to bulimia or anorexia, diseases that are threaten heavily.
Therefore, the people who make advertising should be more conscious about the effects it could have and the other people should not believe in everything they see.

6 Mayıs 2008 Salı

Death penalty

There is one subject which has been discussed over years and which never looses its interest on people: DEATH PENALTY.
Death penalty has been abolished over the history in many countries but there are still countries, where it is now carried; such as in some parts of the USA. Death penalty can be discussed from two different sides, which are justice and ethic.
A lot of people believe that someone who kills a person has lost his right of living. This is so not true. Philosophers say that the human dignity is inviolable, no matter, what he/she has done. The dignity of a human is defined as his/her right of living. Although he/she takes the life of another person, which is the biggest crime he/she can do, we are not allowed to decide if he/she should die or live. This is the ethical side of death penalty.
The other side is justice. A person who kills another person should be punished extremely. The murderer does not only kill one person he/she is also responsible for the pain of the victim's family. The victim's family wants that the murderer feels the same pain, which he/she caused by themselves. Therefore they want to take revenge but they are not allowed to decide on the punishment.
I believe that death penalty is neither a cruel act nor a punishment. For me it is just liberation of the murderer because death penalty only takes a few seconds and then the murderer is free. But on the other side if he/she would be prisoned lifelong then he/she would feel a longer pain. In this case the murderer would be punished more hardly because he/she is isolated from his/her family and is not able to do whatever he/she wants. It is an appropriate punishment because the murderer losses the same thing he/she has taken from the victim: his/her LIBERTY.
Soem countries believe that death penalty would be detterant to crime but for me this cannot be true, because someone who decided to kill a person cannot be detterent by anything quite the reverse he/she would see death penalty as liberty because of not being arrested his/her whole life.