24 Nisan 2008 Perşembe

Foreign language instruction should begin in kindergarten

Since a few years many education systems and their countries are discussing the question when foreign language instruction should begin. In previous years the teaching of a foreign language started with the first high-school year. Now it is common that children learn a foreign language when they are in the primary school.

Although they are too young for being confronted with a new language, which they never had heard before, statistics show that early age learners become more successful in learning a foreign language than later learners. Doctors say that this has to do with the cognitive abilities of a child. "The younger they are the more they can learn" is a thesis argued by doctors and psychologists.

Therefore i believe that establishing foreign language instruction in kindergarten will be more lucrative for our children. In kindergarten they will learn by playing, which is an important factor of motivation. Motivation, it think, is the biggest problem we have in high-schools. Pupils are not able to learn because they are unmotivated. Every lesson passes in the same way. While the teacher writes something on the board, the pupils have to copy it into their exercise books. There is no action in it. Therefore i believe that the more a child is motivated for learning a new language, the better it will learn it.

I do not argue that they should laen grammar, synthax and other difficult things. They can start learning words by looking at pictures, which will help them to establish a vocabulary. Such a training will effect their speaking in school because then a foreign language will not be totally strange to them. For these reasons i think it is not expecting too much of children.

20 Nisan 2008 Pazar


Today's society can not be imagined without technology. The more Technology develops the more people become dependent on it.
For example computers belong to our daily routine like in schools on our workplaces or at home. There is no suspect that computers are helpful for us by doing worksç But now we are spending a huge time in front of computers without being aware of it. Some people play computer games other ones use their computers only for theır work. More and more we get dependent on chat forums. we spend more hours talking with our friends on the web than meeting them outside. This leads to be less social than before. It destroys people's social life.
On the other side it is unhealthy for our eyes and our back. Also it is tested that computers lead to a lack of concentration.
Another side of which we should be more suspicious is that children walk right into the trap of providers. They go on websites, for which they have to pay money, without asking their parents for help.
These are all the bad sights of computer use. If people would be more conscious in the use of technology they would have more benefits of them without getting into trouble with providers or without lossing their socail life because of being dependent on a machine. It is just a machine, which was made to help people doing their work faster and it should stay just a machine. But it seems like that there happened a change. While the machine became the controler of us we became the machines.Therefore we should not loose our self-control to a machine.

13 Nisan 2008 Pazar

Individual work

I prefer doing individual work because i have seen from my experiences that individual work helps me more to understand something. I am not totally against group work but i think two persons are enough as a group. When there are more than two persons in one group then they talk a lot and can not go on. Also it is difficult to make everyone agree on one idea or to make every group group member satisfied. When i do my work by myself then i can do everything how i will do it without getting the permission of someone else. By this way it is easier to achieve your goals for the task, project et cetera. One problem which can emerge in a group work is that not every member does the same quantity like the other ones. This means that one half of the group has more things to do than the others. So there is a problem which is called inequality. After having presented their group work they get one grade for the whole group although there are people, who should get a better grade because they made more than the others and spent more time for making the group work. This is something which happened often during my high- school time therefore i do rare group work as possible.

Individual work

I prefer doing individual work because i have seen from my experiences that individual work helps me more to understand something. I am not totally against group work but i think two persons are enough as a group. When there are more than two persons in one group then they talk a lot and can not go on. Also it is difficult to make everyone agree on one idea or to make every group group member satisfied. When i do my work by myself then i can do everything how i will do it without getting the permission of someone else. By this way it is easier to achieve your goals for the task, project et cetera. One problem which can emerge in a group work is that not every member does the same quantity like the other ones. This means that one half of the group has more things to do than the others. So there is a problem which is called inequality. After having presented their group work they get one grade for the whole group although there are people, who should get a better grade because they made more than the others and spent more time for the making the group work. This is something which happened often during my high- school time therefore i do rare group work as possible.

6 Nisan 2008 Pazar

I do not agree with the statement that being a member of the european union will help turkey improving its conditions.
In turkey we have a bad economy and our citizens have a less income with which they just can nourish their families. If turkey would become a member of the Eu then this would mean that our currency would change from lira to euro. Such a change would make everything worse than it is now because the prices would climb like it happened in other european countries. The economical aspect is only one side of this problem.
Another side is the cultural one, which does not fit together with the european culture. Turkey seems to them like an arabic country, which means that they believe that we are living not in a democracy because of our religious beliefs and some worse things like honour deaths. Our love to our nation and our leader Atatürk seems like exaggerated patriotism to them and that frightens them.
On the other hand it is true that turkey will get financial support when we become a member of the Eu but on the other side turkey has also to pay money for other countries, which maybe will later enter the union. We can not get away with such a payment because turkey needs all his money for improving itself.
Regarded from a different view there is no reason to enter in a union which soonly said that the PKK is not more seen as a terrorist group. There is no excuse for such a statement and this let me think that if we enter the Eu than then they would make everything to stop us in fighting against PKK. So we would be defenceless against terrorist's attacks.
For these reasons i do not agree with the statement and beyond this i am totally against a membership.