18 Mart 2008 Salı

A strong woman

She was born on 11th september 1962, in Ordu. Being the only sister of four older boys, made her be daddy's darling. After finishing the elemantary school she went alone to Istanbul to study on the Üsküdar girl's high school. Having finished the high school she got the permission to go to university but she had to leave turkey for living in germany with her family, who were there as foreign workers.
When she was 25 years old, she got married with a turkish man, who was her classmate in the german school. One year later she became mum of a girl and in 1993 she got her second babay, who was a boy. She works in a car factory, where she is working on car controls.
From her character she is a great helpful woman. Although she has less time she can not say no to anybody who needs help from her. She has a self-sacrificing devotion to her family which means that she makes everything for them even if she neglects herself from time to time. Her daily routine is very hard because every housework burdens on her, like: cooking, house shopping, cleaning,washing,ironing et cetera.
She has a special place in my heart because she always supported me in things i've done and in realizing my dreams. She represents a model for me because of her strengths and the way she arranges her work and family without neglecting any member of her family.
This wonderful woman is my mum and i am very proud to be her daughter.

11 Mart 2008 Salı

The most exciting day in my life

I will talk about a day, which was for me, the most exciting, the most frightening but the most enjoyable day in my life. It is the day when i flew from germany to istanbul without informing anyone of my family.
I have made such a risky thing because i have mised my boyfriend, who lives in istanbul, so much, that i couldn't wait to see him three months later. It was a risky act, because when my parents found this out, they would never send me to istanbul, for studying here. However, my boyfriend and i, we started making plans about how we can arrange this without drawing anyone's attention on it. After having detailed thought about it, i bought a ticket and i waited for the big day.
The day came and i started my day like every other day. I went to school and met a friend of mine. She took me to the airport and then she returned to school. I waited for my flight's hour. While waiting i was really nervous but also excited and happy to see my boyfriend in three hours. I called him and we talked until i got into the plane.
Sitting in the plane i became more and more nervous. I thought about all the bad things that could happen: "What will happen when my parents call me?", "What when they call the school's secretary?", "What if..." and so on. I tried to listen to music, to eat something, to read a book but nothing was helpful. My nervousness did not leave me. When the plane landed i took a deep breath because of being relieved that nothing unexpected happened. I was the first passenger, who passed the passport control, because i had no package with me.
I saw my boyfriend waiting for me with one red rose in his hand. After having seen him i forgot all my nervousness. Then i called my mother, to tell her that i am now by my best friend, because i said to her that i will spend the night there. My mum's voice was very normal, which let me feel again relieved that nobody had become suspicious. I stayed one day in istanbul with my boyfriend. We two were very happy because we haven't seen us for eight months, which was like eight years for us.
This was the most exciting day in my life and i am so happy that nothing went wrong on this specially day.

7 Mart 2008 Cuma

A wonderful place

The city i want to talk about is called Cabo San Lucas but popularly it is known as just Cabo. Cabo is a small city at Mexico. I have seen Cabo the first time in a movie called "Heartbreak Kid" and it caught my attention because of his beautiful panorama.
Cabo is a great holiday destination, where a lot of celebrities spent their holidays. What makes Cabo so interesting is that its beaches are unspoilt and surrounded by rock spires. In Cabo you can find a lot of hotels,resorts and villas. The place where the most beautiful villas stand is called "the Corridor".

For people who enjoy playing golf, Cabo is a real golf resort. The spoken language in Cabo is spanish but we can also say that all hotels, bars and shops have english speaking employees because of the huge amount of tourists, visiting Cabo each year. Some people compare Cabo with St. Tropez in France because of the luxury yachts at the marina. In winter you can observe a great highlight that is the whales in the ocean, coming up for breathing and gushing out a lot of water.

After having seen some pictures of Cabo i can say that it is also my holiday destination. Certainly i don't know when i will be able to visit this beautiful city but from now on it is one of my goals for the future.

5 Mart 2008 Çarşamba

A wonderful place

The city i want to talk about is called Cabo San Lucas but popularly it is known as just Cabo. Cabo is a small city at Mexico. I have seen Cabo the first time in a movie called "Heartbreak Kid" and it caught my attention because of his beautiful panorama.

Cabo is a great holiday destination, where a lot of celebrities spent their holidays. What makes Cabo so interesting is that its beaches are unspoilt and surrounded by rock spires. In Cabo you can find a lot of hotels,resorts and villas. The place where the most beautiful villas stand is called "the Corridor". For people who enjoy playing golf, Cabo is a real golf resort. The spoken language in Cabo is spanish but we can also say that all hotels, bars and shops have english speaking employees because of the huge amount of tourists, visiting Cabo each year. Some people compare Cabo with St. Tropez in France because of the luxury yachts at the marina. In winter you can observe a great highlight that is the whales in the ocean, coming up for breathing and gushing out a lot of water.
After having seen some pictures of Cabo i can say that it is also my holiday destination. Certainly i don't know when i will be able to visit this beautiful city but from now on it is one of my goals for the future.